Transform To Secure and Effortless Procurements
eContracts is designed and developed to help organizations extract considerable value out of their contracts created for procurement IT solutions. Right from planning spends to forecasting expenses, Optimus BT’s solution excels in vendor management and contract management.
Vendor Onboarding & Negotiation
Optimus BT’s contract management solution help organizations to manage efficiently onboard vendors. The solution provides a platform where organizations can negotiate with the vendors in deciding contract clauses and fall back clauses in a collaborative environment. Moreover, in a flexible language that’s compliant to support the negotiation.
Financial Visibility
Our contract management platform is not only designed to negotiate better deals with ease but it also empowers procurement professionals to manage spends using planned contractual obligations and visibility to spend commitments. This enables the finance teams to plan and forecast expenditure accurately.
Manage workflows and Payment authorization
Enterprises now being able to increase workflow compliance and improve contractual governance, are only few of the many benefits of eContracts. Our product integrates easily with your procurement or ERP suite and delivers financial visibility and integrity with automated workflows and managed authorizations.
Global operations
Your business users do not have to worry about the governing laws of the country they work from, now you can stay in control of your contracts across the globe. Decide the terms and clauses of each global or regional needs.
Visibility To Oncoming Spend Commitments