Featuring Optimus BT
Market Guide 2017
for Enterprise Legal Teams
Market Guide 2017
for Enterprise Legal Teams
Office 365 Contract Management is an enterprise-grade Contract Lifecycle Management product and end-to-end contract automation software built for Microsoft Azure and Office 365 (Microsoft SharePoint Online). While optimizing productivity for contract management and legal teams through familiar interfaces like Outlook, SharePoint and Word, our Contract Management Software product, “eContracts for Office 365” caters to the comprehensive enterprise needs of contract repository and database, collaboration, negotiation, alerts, reviews, approvals, and signatures, along with financial tracking, contract administration, contract performance management and governance.
Most organizations have hundreds or thousands of agreements with vendors, customers, partners, distributors, and suppliers, mostly in the form of signed documents stored in network drives, document libraries or filing cabinets. The lack of a formal process and tools to manage these critical agreements lead to issues such as delays in sales, missed renewal opportunities, late payments and penalties and regulatory compliance issues. eContracts not only addresses all these issues but also provides a seamless and user-friendly automation.